Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Whose University - Tomorrow - Wed, April 20th

Friends and Colleagues are gathering to question & discuss the priorities, power plays and politics of the  University of Minnesota - our largest publicly funded University. In their own words:

Whose education?
Whose voices are heard?

As the University of Minnesota pursues a path toward becoming an elite, global research institution, it is becoming more visibly exclusive. The Whose University? Campaign is organizing students, educators, workers, and community members to challenge this institution's priorities in equal access and resources for underrepresented groups.  This semester we began production of a documentary-style film which will be released next fall.
See "About Our Project" on the left sidebar for more details.
Please join us: 
April 2oth, 2011
11am-4pm, Coffman Memorial Union
 follow them & register Here